Monday, 17 November 2014

Firefox OS intensive workshop

Day 1 of the intensive app making session was a fun day. Well at least for me! Being a college student freebies are to die for and when Firefox hands you a a whole new phone to work with you can imagine the amount of joy I was feeling!
All of us simultaneously unboxed our fancy gadgets. Well don't our expressions give away how excited we were? OK! I don't know about the rest but I sure was happy. A new gadget to fiddle with! (check out the video!)

The day started with a keynote from Dietrich. He was the heart of the workshop! I like people better when they don't laugh at me for not knowing something. He and the Firefox reps were the kindest! :D

The workshop was to build Firefox OS apps and to tell us how they plan on making a low budget- easy to understand smartphones for the first time smartphone users. After being briefed about everything we started coding. Firefox apps are mostly coded like a website. We use a Firefox developer package and that's where we have WebIDE, the application we work on. Quite similar to, say, Eclipse for Android.
We were making a photo uploader/sharing app. Dietrich and the reps believed in letting us code on our own in order to learn better, but some of us weren't good with JavaScript and they had to give us sample codes. The overall event was very well planned and organized.
The food was disappointing. Considering that most of the participants were boys(19:1), with a rather large appetite I thought the number of pizzas ordered were less. Though the venue was a lot like a bachelor pad so I can't really complain either! Can I?
By the end of the day all of us had a well functioning button for clicking pictures, accessing the camera/gallery, listing pictures and storing them. More importantly, we learnt about the success and error handlers and how to use them with the concept of the app

Day 2 involved more of coding and we weren't too bothered about breaks. We learnt a few complex concepts next . Like setting permissions, selecting the picture, deleting, sharing and uploading them on imgur. Post this was the How-Tos of getting the app on the marketplace. What to focus on when marketing or designing an app or what new features can be included for making a first time smart phone users' experience better.
The session HAD to end with a intensive photo clicking sessions. Well Dietrich took the pics with him! maybe I'll put them up when I get them.
Till then here's a picture of all the boxes of pizza that was munched on the 2 days of the event! :D

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